Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Things that set us apart...

What are some of the things that people comment on when they visit us?

It is calm.

The food is excellent. Mostly vegetarian, very varied. Our students learn to eat and to cook well.

The goofing around is good natured and silly. Sexualized and aggressive behavior is highly unusual.

Our students are very diverse: many have special needs, some are extra-bright, some jumpy, sad, or full of vinegar. Some are a little lost. Quite a few have had really tough lives. We have a wide range of abilities and concerns in a very small group.

There are very few rules.

We have no "consequences", outside of extra supervision or being sent home for the day, both of which are quite rare.

Each student is supported by an advocate and a counselor.

Most importantly, adults set the tone. In a big school, there is a kid culture entirely independent and unaffected by the teachers. Here, all aspects of school life are very responsive to changes, whether from the teachers or the students.

There is more, of course. That will come later.

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