Thursday, January 8, 2009

Eating Right

an upcoming retreat:

The Meal that is Just the Right Amount

"Amidst Zen liturgy, oryoki, the formal silent meal taken during meditation intensives, is one of the richest and most subtle practice and training opportunities. It offers participants an entry point for appreciating the power and the relevance of liturgy. Oryoki highlights the teachings on generosity, interdependence, and gratitude..."

I have been attending retreats at the Zen Mountain Monestary for about a year. I recommend looking into their programming.

My teacher is the founding master of the martial art Shim Gum Do (more on that later), and it is this lineage that our school evolved out of. American Zen seems to be in a constant process of synthesis. At ZMM they work from both the Soto and Rinzai schools. Here at TAS we have several influences at work.

The role of Zen and mindfulness here is very much evolving. Soon I will begin to post some things that will hopefully clarify how we began and how we are changing.

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