Monday, April 6, 2009

The Drug Reps, again

Every once in a while this blog bangs on the drums and insists that if, as a patient, you are receiving bad information, then you are not giving informed consent to the treatment you receive. What if the continuing education your doctor receives is strongly biased towards an unproven or even dangerous medication? Here's the article.
Here's a teaser:

 Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is spending $12.3 million on an online UW course for doctors to tell them how to get their patients to quit smoking. A top priority is prescribing Pfizer's drug, Chantix, which has been linked to serious side effects, including a rash of suicides. But mention of the side effects can't be found in course materials.

•  The German company Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals paid more than $320,000 to fund a UW course on a condition known as restless legs syndrome. The course said 10% of adults have the disorder, when other research suggests the actual figure is much lower.

•  Two companies, Pfizer and Bayer, have spent more than $340,000 to fund a UW continuing education course for doctors that touts their drugs, among others, to treat an extreme form of PMS. Doctors taking the course online aren't told that some of these drugs may not work much better than a placebo.

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