Thursday, January 22, 2009

Follow this link...

Some diagnoses are more useful than others. That of Borderline Personality, in the hands of a great researcher and clinician like Marsha Linehan, becomes very useful. Read the article.

Here's a teaser:

Linehan, who grew up in Tulsa, Okla., and spent several years as a nun before becoming a psychologist, embodies several dialectical contradictions: a nun who has never lived in a convent; a careful scientist whose most engaging feature is her wry irreverence; a 65-year-old who has a maternal steeliness but was never a mother. It doesn't pay to underestimate Marsha Linehan. In Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder, she writes, "If the patient says, 'I am going to kill myself,' the therapist might reply, 'I thought you agreed not to drop out of therapy.' "

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