Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A few days off make for a busy school day...

Some quick hits on relationships:

In two studies, one recent (2008) and one older (2000), researchers looked into whether or not there was a correlation between being romantically involved with someone and one's grades going down, and in the earlier study, whether social isolation and depression is related to internet use.

The answer? Not much. The 2008 study doesn't surprise me, as their is plenty of reason to think that a little romance gives more than it takes away. The 200o study does surprise me, a little, though I think so much has changed in the intervening years that it is probably irrelevant.

My guess is that social networking online is rapidly becoming an imago of more traditional ones, with plenty of modern fluidity thrown in for good measure. They are changing each other. I wonder which will be the dominant force in, say, workplaces, and to what degree has it changed family life.

That will likely be it for today. Too much to do.

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