Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting the Blue Mountain Zendo. It is a tiny place, tucked in a quirky little village on the edge of Allentown, PA, astride the 6oo acre Lehigh University forest preserve. Instead of going through west part of town to get there I drove the two or three miles on the edge of the preserve along the Lehigh River and the freight rail. The big river appeared in flashes through the dense trees, and after a while, the asphalt gives way to gravel and the road drops down to the railroad bed. Then the road rises again for awhile, all wooded, until I popped out into an uphill, winding street dense with older, narrow houses. The zendo is the best kept house on the block.
Joriki Dat Baker greeted me, and we sat down for tea. One of his most senior students joined us, and we shared our stories: mine of the school and my practice, his of the zendo and his practice. Joriki is a perceptive, inviting man, easy to laugh and wears his deep study lightly. None of that "stink of Zen" here.
They used to be in Bethlehem; I had gone to a few meditation sessions there. But this modest little place had the feel of community rooted in Zen practice... it felt right.
Over the next few weeks I hope we can a establish a bond between TAS and Blue Mountain. They offer sesshin, weekly services, a small residential training, and face to face teaching. Any of you, dear readers, who wish to know more can contact me or drop in at their website.
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