Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

    What is ahead?
   No one knows. Sure, we have orientation and schedule making and classes to sign up for, and some get to know get togethers and a few talks. And a satisfying meal, of course. There are new students and a new teachers. We must catch up on rumors and news, aspirations and worries. But there is no "year" ahead of us, only endless opportunity to be exactly and totally in the present.
   But first, let us tear the devil out by the roots. What devil? Ah, the devil of Multitasking, that handmaiden of mediocrity:

   ...researchers at Stanford University published a study showing that the most persistent multitaskers perform badly in a variety of tasks. They don’t focus as well as non-multitaskers. They’re more distractible. They’re weaker at shifting from one task to another and at organizing information. They are, as a matter of fact, worse at multitasking than people who don’t ordinarily multitask.

    So strive to do one thing at a time, and do it well. Watch and listen, and concentrate, as if your life depends on it! The link is here

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