Monday, January 26, 2009

Your Morning Coffee

If you haven't wandered over to the New York Times, you might want to check this out:

Coffee linked to lower dementia risk. First of all, 3-5 cups is "moderate" consumption. To me, that is a lot of coffee. Second, they look at a link to diabetes, and how coffee seems to reduce risk of that disease. My guess, wholly uneducated, is that it is related to the effects of caffeine.
For instance, amphetamines administered after learning a task seems to reinforce that task. And in rats, it seems to stimulate recall of previous tasks. My thinking is that somehow mild caffeine use ramps up the affective involvement in what one is doing, coding it for longer term memory, and maintaining a healthy rate of neuronal growth in the hippocampus.
And that is very much a guess. To bad there are no neurologists out there to set me straight.

I am running out of time to get my sitting in. Links and references to be posted later...

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