Thursday, February 28, 2008

Classes This Spring

Spring Term begins March 24th, after our week long break. We have a variety of classes in both traditional academics and in mind and body training:

Mind and Body: Phys. Ed, Yoga, Kettle Bell weight training, Meditation,
and Planned Parenthood

Arts: Graphic Design, Mask Making, Public Speaking, Metal Work, Watercolor, Singing,
Singing, Intro to Film, Film Making

Academics (Science): Biology, Physics, Science Topics, Anatomy

Academics (Math): Algebra I & II, Calculus, Trigonometry

Academics (English): The American Novel, Poetry and Painting of William Blake,
Comparative Lit, The Novels of Henry James, Writing a Research Paper, Reading and
Writing Poetry

Academics (History): European History, the Renaissance

Languages: American Sign Language, Italian, French, German, Japanese

We have had a lot of interest in the handful of open seats we have for next year...apply now!

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