Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On the Contemplation Front

Today the TAS contemplative ed program begins. Seven students and I had a hour long meeting to discuss what they are interested and how the group should be formed. Generally speaking, they are highly interested in pursuing their art practice in a more self-learning mode, in various types of body practice and healing techniques, and going on retreats both in school and away. Of considerably less interest is sitting meditation.
Along the way manner interesting ideas were suggested: exploring hypnosis, care of animals, encouraging student teaching, fundraising for the school, exploring "spooky" stuff and how it relates to sprirituality, and finally, the idea of a Zen patch, a tiny, private plot on school property that a student takes care of. This is instead of a rather involved Zen garden.

For me, the most remarkable idea was suggested by one of the students when we were trying to figure out how to actually form (and allow) a membership. Basically, each interested student will pursue a project for a week, and while doing so, will allow those efforts to show them whether or not they want to join the program. For instance, one student, a guitarist, will approach his guitar practice as a meditation for the week. He will share his experience doing so with the others, and evaluate for himself joining the program. Another student is going to spend her week encouraging other students to come up with ideas for their own student teaching and student developed classes.

The beauty of it is their enthusiasm and openness. This is a real opportunity to create a group of "leaders"- not student council presidents, but young men and women who set an example for self-reflection and awareness.

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