Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Monday!

So summer is underway, the rains of the late spring a distant memory. The Delaware is finally dropping and those of us lucky enough to have well-draining soil have marvelous things waving to us in our yards.
Interestingly, most of my hybrid tomatoes are doing well, but the heirlooms are struggling a bit. My guess is that the all the moisture trapped CO2 in the soil, lowering the ph and locking out a bunch of key nutrients like magnesium. Some of the plants haven't bounced back, and the earliest fruit to set looks pinched and frightened.
My compost has been incredible: all I keep is a pile, nothing fancy. I have an encroaching patch of bamboo which is home to dozens of birds, and produces endless structural matter for the garden. I have a patch of nettles which I cut and soak in five gallon buckets until they ferment. It stinks like a swamp, or lets say, a strongly biological, living stink. I fed the tomaters with it- nettles are rich in silica (little glass needles cover the plant, when handled, they snap and release an irritant) and brew uniquely. I'm hoping it is the bounce they need.

Today I settle down to work on the music/art and contemplative education curricula. I will be posting both here, and cross-posting to the music blog. Stay tuned.

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