Monday, June 8, 2009

We are back....

Sorry about the long delay, but now that school year is over, and especially that last manic phase of it (which brings to mind the static charge that builds up in front of the goal right before a shot is made), I have the brain space to blog again.

You can expect three postings a week, perhaps more. It will take a few days to get back into the rhythm.

For now, this is one of those "duh" articles: a movement to return to "client-centered medicine". What an interesting idea. Wouldn't it be something is this became part of psychiatric training?

By stepping off the big-clinic treadmill, where doctors are sometimes asked to see a different patient every 15 minutes, Dr. Batlle has joined the vanguard of physicians trying to redefine health care. These doctors spend more time with patients, emphasize prevention and education to keep them healthy and can handle many medical problems without referrals to specialists.

In many cases, this kind of care can reduce a patient’s medical bills. That’s more crucial than ever: according to a study published online by the American Journal of Medicine, 60 percent of all bankruptcies in the United States in 2007 were driven by health care costs.

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