Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome to Monday

The school year hurtles forward...a weekend trip to the Jersey Shore at the end of the month, mid-term reports this week, a prom-like dance in a couple of weeks, and most importantly, the planting of two large and just about ready to bear paw-paws.
Paw-paw? A native tree, resistant to most pests, that produces large amounts of banana-tasting fruit. The swallowtail subsists on its leaves. It was George Washington's favorite dessert, served frozen, from what I understand. We need to raise two hundred more dollars to pay for the trees.

Thanks to our Mr. Garza, ace kid-motivator and verbal buggy whip, the grounds are coming along nicely. A wet spring means success for tree planting.

A couple of weeks ago we had an interesting seminar on Quality Schools, the concept long advocated by William Glasser. Judith Clapp gave the presentation. It was gratifying to note that we already have in place much of what Glasser considers to be requisite for a school that meets our students' developmental needs.

Tomorrow we have another staff day. We will be pulling together the course offerings for next year, as well as planning for the summer, including the possibility of summer camp. Later in the morning, our school therapist, Jen Fusco-Perry and I will be presenting some material on attachment syndromes and developmental/relational issues.

Enjoy the day. This week a consistant posting schedule will be tightened up.

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