Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some Questions...

The end of the year is nigh. Two students have presented their senior projects: the first was a student's self published book on a number of basic yoga positions. The second a beautiful printed labyrinth for walking meditation. Coming up in a few minutes, a fashion show featuring the designs of another student.

Almost as important are steps we are taking to deepen the insight and attunement of our staff. All of us will be writing a four or five page essay on our individual roles at TAS, our opinions on what is central to its character, and our professional goals.

Here are the questions:

What do you see as your role at TAS? How has it developed? Do you see yourself drawn to the high achieving kids, the strugglers, the orphans, the scufflers? What specific students do you identify most closely with, or are closest to? What classes are most satisfying for you to teach?

What aspects of TAS do you see as absolutely central to its character?

What do you feel are your accomplishments this year, what were your goals, and in what ways did you meet frustration and success?

What are areas in which you feel you need professional development? What support do you need? Have you done any trainings or retreats or taken any classes this year? If so, to what professional or personal ends? If not, why not?

What will be your goals for the summer and the next school year? How long do you see yourself teaching at TAS? How do you see your role changing in the near or middle term? What professional development, self development, academic classes, or degree programs will you pursue over the next year?

How does TAS and your role here fit into an overall personal philosophy of education, human devlopment, and ethical action?

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