Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Early Alcohol Awareness

A good article in the Times about detecting problematic drinking patterns early on includes this passage:

Dr. Willenbring, who directs the institute’s Division of Treatment and Recovery Research, added: “Once they know who they are, most people at risk of becoming alcohol abusers can cut down on their alcohol consumption and reduce their risk. We know that many heavy drinkers are able to change on their own.”

For those who already drink at abusive levels, the new program can help them acknowledge their problem and seek treatment earlier, before they suffer irreversible medical and social problems like liver or brain disease, legal difficulties, job loss or divorce.

The beauty of Rethinking Drinking is that it can be used in the privacy of the home or in a doctor’s office, sparing people the embarrassment and stigma that often accompany public acknowledgment of a problem with alcohol and entering a treatment program.

This is probably something we should look at for our students at TAS.

A note: My posts have been sparse because May is a jammed packed month. My two boys have baseball four nights a week, TAS is winding up for the end of the year and the beginning of the next, and I've just started another round of classes at grad school. My apologies.

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