Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Server Overload?

The true server of this blog is your truly, and I have quite deliberately been leaving my computer at school to get out of the dreaded news/baseball/work cycle. It has been quite nice, actually, and I am trying to refit a posting schedule to school hours only. I should have it worked out by next week.
Meanwhile, courtesy of a listserv I subscribe to, peruse this article on psychotropic medication and meditation practice.

...[M]any of us who have practiced meditation and undertaken a spiritual path for an extended period have questioned whether there are other methods we can draw upon in trying to optimize our individual and collective healing and awakening—methods that don’t come from the spiritual traditions themselves. And as the number of spiritual, psychological, medical, and other healing practices continues to multiply, this becomes an increasingly perplexing—and ever-more relevant—question. We need a significant and disciplined evaluation of how best to combine dharma and diverse therapeutic disciplines, including the most controversial of all therapies: medication.

In fact, such an evaluation has already begun. It’s in its early stages, but it is indeed underway.

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