Friday, April 3, 2009

Poetry Friday

I was going to write a longer post on Du Fu and the China of the Tang Dynasty, but, alas I could not get the mojo going. I am off to school. We will leave that to another day, and instead post a poem and some great links.

Here is one of his most famous, Ballad of the Ancient Cypress, a poem recited by then poet laureate Robert Pinsky on the occasion of President Clinton's visit to China:

Before Kongming's shrine stands an ancient cypress,
Its branches are like green bronze, its roots just like stone.
The frosted bark, slippery with rain, is forty spans around,
Its blackness blends into the sky two thousand feet above.
Master and servant have each already reached their time's end,
The tree, however, still remains, receiving men's devotion.
Clouds come and bring the air of Wuxia gorge's vastness,
The moon comes out, along with the cold of snowy mountain whiteness.

I think back to the winding road, east of Brocade Pavilion,
Where the military master and his lord of old share a hidden temple.
Towering that trunk, those branches, on the ancient plain,
Hidden paintings, red and black, doors and windows empty.
Spreading wide, coiling down, though it holds the earth,
In the dim and distant heights are many violent winds.
That which gives it its support must be heaven's strength,
The reason for its uprightness, the creator's skill.

If a great hall should teeter, wanting rafters and beams,
Ten thousand oxen would turn their heads towards its mountain's weight.
Its potential unrevealed, the world's already amazed,
Nothing would stop it being felled, but what man could handle it?
Its bitter heart cannot avoid the entry of the ants,
Its fragrant leaves have always given shelter to the phoenix.
Ambitious scholars, reclusive hermits- neither needs to sigh;
Always it's the greatest timber that's hardest to put to use.

Here is a link to the poem in Chinese, in transliteration, and in another English translation.
Here is another poem.
And here is an interesting essay on some nuts and bolts of Chinese poetry.


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