Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Welcome to Tuesday morning...

There is quite a bit to comment on around school these days, and I am inclined to do it. This takes some thinking, because one must do so only generally, to preserve everyone's privacy. For now let us say that it is busy in such a way that points out our school's weaknesses, and as such points out clearly a direction of growth. Some reflections will follow.

Some of you may find interesting an open discussion that musician Vic Rawlings and I are having over at TASmusicblogw. We are trying to rejigger the music program. Buffy Morgan, one of our art teachers, is helping rework the art program. Both will eventually more deeply rooted in zen practice. We hope.

Our yearly fundraiser is this Friday. Please come to the school, see the performances, and buy at the silence auction. All the money goes to the student activities fund. Some of that goes to our "Books through Bars" program and our gift raising for a family shelter during Christmas.

Finally, every wonder about the relationship between population, metro area, patent application, and wealth? Check out this great graphic and article over at The Atlantic.

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