Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fundraiser Success

I don't have the money numbers, but it was a good night for our growing community. Several students performed, and several others auctioned off some of their drawings and paintings. We drew more than a few first time visitors, and were blessed by the appearance of several former students and graduates.
This is one of two big events for TAS over the course of the school year. We will be developing another: an opening celebration for sometime in September. One of my thoughts on this is to make into a commitment ceremony of sorts.

For instance, what if seniors read aloud what is required of them and asserted their commitment to those goals? What if another older student described the two way responsibilities of the teacher-student relationship? There are many ways of approaching this, but the goal would be to underscore the importance of committing to a school year at TAS.

This is something a student group can take up and shape decisively. An excellent way for this year's senior to pass on what they have come to understand.

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