Monday, February 2, 2009

Bush threw a few last bones to Big Pharma

What a surprise.

By Chris Adams | McClatchy Newspapers

CORNELIUS, N.C. — In the waning days of the Bush administration, the Food and Drug Administration finalized new guidelines to make it easier for drug manufacturers to promote "off-label" prescription drug uses, which can be deadly for patients.

The move came despite criticism from Bush's own Department of Veterans Affairs, which said the change "favors business interests over public safety" and could lead to a "decline in drug safety." It also was crafted despite efforts by state and federal law-enforcement experts to clamp down on off-label drug marketing.

More here.

Plus commentary here.

1 comment:

Blue Girl, Red State said...

Thanks for the link! Your school looks fabulous! In a school like yours I might have lasted more than 18 months in the classroom!